The pre-merge of Season 42 of Survivor was a unique one that managed to create and properly develop an arc for each of the castaways without managing to ignore even one of them. Though one tribe was significantly stronger than the rest, even after a medical evacuation, the season proved just how fun pre-merge tribes could be.

Still, pre-merge Survivor is one of the best phases of the game. With complex social dynamics, strategic gameplay, and teamwork on challenges, new alliances begin and end on a dime. Though Season 42 proved to be spectacular, even that pre-merge didn't rival some of the best pre-merges the show has to offer.


Home to the most dysfunctional tribe in Survivor history, the "story of Matsing is so fun to watch," says Reddit user john_muleaney. There are few things more entertaining than seeing a tribe completely fall apart, and Philippines provided it for reasons that were largely out of Matsing's control.

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Though the tribe really should have been doing well, its failures meant that fans has an underdog to root for. Though the post-merge gives the opportunity to truly see Malcolm and Denise succeed, it's the pre-merge that sets it up and makes that arc so fundamentally engaging.

Island of the Idols

Survivor Island Of The Idols contestants

Though it's often overlooked, thanks to an underwhelming post-merge, Island of the Idols is actually a fun and strategic season. "The Island of the Idols twist actually leads to some pretty entertaining moments," says Reddit user Hindsight21. "Plus the non-Island gameplay was pretty solid. Then the merge happened."

Besides, a strong cast will always make up for any issues with a season. And, even if the post-merge made the cast considerably more unlikable, the pre-merge offered fresh content with significant action at tribal council. A season of big moves and many advantages, it was incredibly fun.


The Fang tribe looks dejected at tribal council on Survivor: Gabon

While it's a season that churned out one of the worst winners in Survivor and seriously snubbed Sugar, Gabon is a glorious mess. "If we’re talking entertainment, Gabon is one of the best," says Redditor andrewno8do. It's true. In-fighting runs rampant through the entire season and watching an Olympic runner fail to run even a few feet certainly adds entertainment value.

Besides, watching a castaway through an Idol into the sea is certainly something, especially in a series where strategy is so essential. Besides, watching GC desperately try to avoid becoming a leader of his tribe is genuinely hilarious.

Redemption Island

While often considered a meandering and somewhat boring post-merge, Redemption Island actually has a lot to offer. "The pre-merge of Redemption Island was genuinely really fun and entertaining," says Reddit user Ok_Supermarket_3241. And it's true.

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Between the saga of Phillip's development into a goat, Rob's slow-growing domination of his tribe, Matt's rejection and subsequent rise through Redemption Island, and the banishment of Russell Hantz. It's a parallel story of the captains and the level of control they have, and it paints a very complicated picture that shows the skills of Rob, as opposed to Russell.


The cast of 2001's Survivor: Africa.

There are few seasons with a social dynamic like Africa had. As the third season in Survivor's history, the strategic gameplay wasn't quite as evolved as it is today, yet players were still navigating difficult strategic terrain while also navigating the dangers of Africa.

The social aspects were incredibly interesting as well. "The generation divide on Samburu, the wonderful arc of Lindsey, the first tribe swap and first challenge throw to get out Silas, and all of the Clarence content setting him up as the merge boot is all great stuff," says Redditor marquesasrob. While Silas was a very fun character, it was still engaging to see just how they managed to take out one of the earliest strategic players.

Pearl Islands

Pirates and Survivor. Never has any theme fit the show so fundamentally well. With the Morgan and Drake tribes struggling to cope with things like shoe stealing, tarp taking, and Johnny Fairplay's entire personality, the season plays out brilliantly.

"Morgan and Drake are incredibly polarized and have very distinct tribal identities in a way that works very well and the story of the utterly desolate Morgans managing to come from behind because Drake, despite (or because of) their dominance, have too much infighting is seriously excellent stuff," says Redditor DabuSurvivor. Even outside of the intra-tribe dynamics, the Pearl Islands outcast twist helped to add an extra edge to the season by bringing in the world's best scoutmaster.

Heroes vs. Villains

The cast of Survivor posing on the beach together in Heroes v. Villains

While it certainly has a strong post-merge, the battle of the Heroes and Villains was a fierce one indeed. "Heroes vs Villains pre-merge is so good, probably ranks number 1 for me," says Reddit user zachhd21228, and it isn't hard to see why.

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Russell's conniving was so convincing that it earned him an idol, Tyson voting himself out, and the chance for utter domination over a tribe of some of the most skilled Survivor players. The utter downfall of the Heroes is also entertaining, as they fail challenge after challenge, under "Superman in a fat suit's" directive. It's a story that concludes many of the arcs set up in preceding seasons, and it's why it still holds up so well today.


Chaos Kass Survivor

While fans of well-oiled tribes may not like Cagayan, there is truly nothing better than watching three different tribes tear themselves apart in the pre-merge. "The Brains tribe having an absolute computer malfunction and somehow scraping themselves together post-merge can never be topped," Reddit user Molalex says.

Even outside of the mess that was the Brains, the pre-merge also introduced Tony Vlachos, one of the best Survivor players and the Sole Survivor of Winners at War. His antics kick off in the pre-merge and set off a storyline that doesn't culminate until he's holding a $2 million check in his hands.

David vs. Goliath

The Goliath tribe smiling together on David vs Goliath

Difficult weather, unpredictable gameplay, and a brilliant theme all contribute to the entertainment value of David vs. Goliath. "You get Angelina being Angelina, the Natalia blindside, the winner almost going home episode one," says Redditor john_muleaney. "The only bad thing is that the season opens on a medevac."

Really, every episode is brilliant, and the strategic play and challenge performances help to elevate it. While the season has some cliches, like overused character tropes like "the nerd" and "the businessman", the tropey castaways are still entertaining and provide a significant social aspect to the season. After all, a David vs. Goliath without Christian just isn't David vs. Goliath.


While Palau didn't necessarily have a merge, the first half of the season is incredible. The sheer destruction of an entire tribe makes it horribly memorable and gives a true arc to the season. Or as honeybadger1105 puts it on Reddit, "The tragedy of Ulong is storytelling at its best."

Ulong was doomed as soon as it voted out its leader as the first boot, and it was downhill from there. It's a unique storyline, as even Matsing didn't fail quite as hard as Ulong did. It was incredibly entertaining and truly showcased social dynamics in a dying tribe.

Next: 10 Worst Game-Ending Mistakes Survivor Players Ever Made