US Weekly recently caught up with Below Deck Mediterranean's Captain Sandy to see what her day in the life was like outside of a yachting charter. Sandy and her partner reside in Colorado and spend most of their time outdoors. But the biggest reveal from the interview was that Sandy was working on a book, Be the Calm or Be the Storm.

Fans of Captain Sandy's views can grab the book in October 2022, but until then, they can catch some of her best quotes on the show. But Sandy isn't the only one with amazing quotes in the series. Fans on Reddit shared some of their favorite lines from the Below Deck franchise, including from the likes of Kate Chastain, Captain Lee, and even guests.

"More Foam, Bosun!"

Charter Guest (Below Deck)

A charter guest hugging t he bosun on Below Deck

In season 3, Eddie Lucas was the bosun while Kate Chastain was the chief stew. Together, they had to lead their teams while working for one of the worst Below Deck guests. Although he was kind, the guest was drunk for the majority of the trip and wildly inappropriate.

RELATED: The Worst Below Deck Guests On The Yachts, Ranked

The crew planned a foam dance party after dinner, which excited the main guest. But with too much alcohol and heavy wind, the foam kept blowing out of the boat. The guest screamed, "More foam, bosun!" countless times, and it was so funny that it's shared as one of the best quotes on Below Deck. PrettyPettiCoat explained their love for the quote on Reddit: "'MORE FOAM BOSUN' randomly to my boyfriend while doing the woppy inflatable arms move. I'm a delight to live with." Adellx chimed in, "Literally my favorite quote of all time."

“Madder Than A Pissed On Chicken."

Captain Lee (Below Deck)

Captain Lee shirtless in the laundry room on Below Deck

While there are plenty of memes that sum up Captain Sandy's personality, there are even more for Captain Lee. Fans on Reddit agreed that Captain Lee has some of the best quotes in the franchise. He's dry, he's crass, and his analogies are so graphic that it's impossible not to laugh.

Lanolin12 wrote, "Captain Lee has some incredible ones. 'Madder than a pissed-on chicken.'" There are complete threads on Reddit dedicated to Captain Lee's quotes and how perfectly random they are.

"Quack, Quack, B**ch."

Hannah Ferrier (Below Deck Mediterranean)

A split image of a plate of food and Hannah looking bothered on Below Deck Med

In season 3 of Below Deck Med., chief stew Hannah Ferrier dealt with a difficult guest. Hannah used to be one of the best chief stews on Below Deck, but she grew tired of the service industry and left for a new beginning.

In one episode, a guest panicked when she didn't like what was on her plate. Once Hannah told her it was duck breast, the guest screamed "Ew!" Hannah took the plate away and hilariously said "Quack, quack, b**ch" under her breath. OliveLemon88 loved this moment and said it was their favorite line to say. "'Quack-quack, bitch.' - Hannah while serving duck to a difficult guest is one of the best."

"If There's One Thing I Learned In The Yachting Industry, It's That People Who Drown In Hot Tubs Don't Leave Good Tips."

Max (Below Deck Mediterranean)

A split image of a guest asleep in the hot tub while Max watches and giggles on Below Deck Med

Viewers assumed that the outrageous behaviors of some of the guests were some of the fakest parts of Below Deck, but if this charter proved anything, it was that the guests' behavior were 100% real.

The scene showed a drunk charter guest jumping into the hot tub and falling asleep seconds later. Max ran up to check on him and laughed at the sight. One Redditor said Max's quote on the situation was one of the best. "This is a summary of Max from Below Deck Med season 2 (cute British guy): he found a guest asleep in the hot tub and in his confessional said 'I don’t know much about guests, but I think they tip much better when they don’t drown to death in the hot tub' and it remains one of my favorite quotes. I loved Max," they wrote.

"When Fish Die, They Swim Towards The Light. As They Journey towards The Afterlife, Their Souls Will Be Filled With Delight..."

Danny (Below Deck)

Danny sits on the beach with a charter guest

Danny Zureikat was one deckhand who deserved a redemption arc. He lasted 12 episodes before getting fired for a long list of rules broken, he made entertaining reality television. During one particularly awkward charter, Danny fell for a beautiful woman and couldn't help but flirt with her, even though it was against the rules.

RELATED: 10 Former Cast Members Who Deserve A Redemption Arc

When said charter guest cried at the dinner table after seeing plates of dead fish, Danny stepped in and wrote her a poem. 1ScareCrowBoatFan shared the words to this poem and wrote, "The poem that Danny wrote about fish to the Tilted Kilt girl. Best episode ever."

"When fish die, they swim towards the light

As they journey towards the afterlife, their souls will be filled with delight

So smile, because everything will be all right"

"You Absolute Oxygen Thief"

Travis Michalzik (Below Deck Mediterranean)Aesha and Travis talk to Mila in the car on Below Deck Med

Chef Mila Kolomeitseva was one of the worst chefs in Below Deck history. Not only did it become apparent that she lied on her resume and used photos of food that weren't perfected by her, but she also had dated views on the topic of same-sex marriage.

These views shocked the cast and really upset deckhand Travis Michalzik. Not willing to speak to someone so close-minded, he called her an "oxygen thief" in the cab. ItsJustMyOpinion23 loved this line from Travis, writing, "Me every time I get annoyed with someone 'You absolute oxygen thief'"

"June, June, Hannah?"

Hannah Ferrier (Below Deck Mediterranean)

A split image of Hannah and June laughing while on Below Deck Med

June Foster arrived in the middle of the charter in season 4. When in need of a third stew, Hannah was happy to have an extra hand around the interior. The only problem was that June didn't always know what she was doing. More notably, June hardly had her headset on so she never knew when Hannah was calling her on the radio.

Fans can still hear Hannah saying, "June, June, Hannah," in hopes of getting a response. Part_Recent told Reddit, "When my BFF isn’t responding to texts" they text him, "June, June, Hannah."

"She Has Happy Resting Face. You Know Who Has Those? Psychopaths And Labradors."

Kate Chastain (Below Deck)

Kate and Sierra in the kitchen on Below Deck

If there's one reason to watch Below Deck, it's to watch the brilliance that is Kate Chastain. This former chief stew had some of the best one-liners and quotes in the franchise. And while she's no longer on the show anymore, her quotes still resonate with Reddit.

RELATED: 10 Reasons To Watch Below Deck

In season 4, Kate didn't have time to deal with her third stew Sierra Storm, whom she found lazy. TacoMan0077 wrote that their favorite quote was Kate's description of Sierra: "She has happy resting face. You know who has those? Psychopaths and Labradors." Snooperipherals3395 agreed and wrote, "

I totally cackled at this line. So effing good!"

"No. I'm Gonna Eat Somebody's Ass For Dinner."

Captain Lee (Below Deck)

Captain Lee in a talking head for Below Deck wearing blue shirt

Captain Lee wasn't one to hold back in front of his team. He didn't care how jaw-dropping his lines were — when he was mad, everyone knew it. ABZ937 (and others) told Reddit their favorite line from the series was "Definitely Lee yelling that he's gonna eat someone's ass."

In the episode, Lee was furious when he found out the charter guests were upset and not having a good time. Seeing his rage, Kate asked Lee if he wanted dinner to cool off. In response, Lee said, "No. I’m gonna eat somebody’s ass for dinner," as he went and gave a stern talking to his deckhands.

“Seeing Mila's Tacos Really Disturbed Me.”

Captain Sandy (Below Deck Mediterranean)

A still of Chef Mila's nachos from Below Deck

Chef Mila was one crew member who lasted one season. Not only was she controversial, but she was also one of the worst chefs.

Instead of serving five-star plates, she whipped up tacos and microwaved nachos. The meals looked unpleasant, and it filled Sandy with rage. ElectraHeartIsntDead loved Sandy's response and wrote, "The one that always cracks me up is Sandy’s confessional about Mila's tacos where she says 'Seeing Mila's tacos really disturbed me.' I don’t know why, but I always laugh when I hear that combined with the facial expressions it just totally sends me."

NEXT: 10 Crew Members Who Only Lasted One Season