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However, he did retain some of Ten's worst traits that did end up affecting the future relationships he made. Would you like some examples? From his god complex to his arrogance, here are 10 ways the Eleventh Doctor got worse as time went on.

Terrible At Goodbyes

Clara Oswald and Eleven in Doctor Who

One thing that didn't improve with time was Eleven's hatred for endings. As many fans know, Eleven always rips the last page out of a book because he hates anything that isn't infinite. When Amy and Rory died, his issues with closure increased and ended up affecting his other relationships.

For instance, he avoided taking River to Darillium because he knew he wouldn't see her again. After tricking her into going home, Eleven then proceeded to avoid Clara for 900 years because he didn't want to watch her die. While they understood his reasons, both Clara and River were hurt by his actions.

The Darkness

Another aspect of Eleven's personality that got worse as time went on was his darkness. Although he rejects the War Doctor because he was ashamed of the violence, this darkness is still retained in Eleven as fans have seen him commit some heinous and horrific acts.

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He's committed mass murder and raised an army to get Amy back. He had no remorse for blowing up Solomon's ship. Even strangers could spot it, with Emma telling Clara that she shouldn't trust the Doctor because of the "sliver of ice" he had in his heart.

His Arrogance

If fans couldn't stand Ten's arrogance then they would have absolutely hated Eleven's as it got so much worse. In "The Eleventh Hour," he takes great pleasure in scaring the Atraxi off with his reputation. In "The Pandorica Opens," he does it again when he challenges his enemies to take the box from him.

When his ego got so bad, his companions were then forced to reign it in. Tasha called him a "fatuous egotist" after he believed she defied the Daleks for him and River blamed Eleven's destructive behavior for the battle at Demon's run. His arrogance only got worse when he was by himself.

His Carelessness With Companions

While many fans will agree Eleven needed a companion to keep him grounded, they have also stated how careless he was with their lives. As he basked in their adoration, Eleven failed to see how they were desperate to impress him and prove they could keep up. As a result, the companions would often put their lives on the line ("The Vampires of Venice"/"Cold War").

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However, since Eleven continuously encouraged this behavior, detrimental consequences always laid ahead. It was only when Amy, Rory, River, and several of Clara's incarnations died that he consider changing his ways.

His Relationship With Rory

Although it looked like Eleven and Rory's relationship was good, if fans closely inspect it, they will soon realize it was anything but. While Eleven and Rory didn't get off to the best of starts after the Time Lord confessed to kissing Amy, the pair decided to tolerate each other for her sake.

Would you class them as friends? Not really, if "The Angels Take Manhattan" is anything to go by. If Eleven cared about Rory at all, he would have been more upset at his death. Instead, Eleven tried to convince Amy not to let the Angel take her and then cried over her death. Not once did he grieve for Rory.

His God Complex

After what happened in "The Waters of Mars," you would have thought the Doctor would have learned his lesson. However, it appeared that Eleven still had a massive god complex. Over several episodes, fans witnessed Eleven's descent into darkness when he appointed himself the role of judge, jury, and executioner.

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He had no qualms in killing Solomon after the trauma the trader put his friends through. Amy also had to stop Eleven from killing Kahler-Jex when he ranted about liberating the victims of the scientist, the Master, and the Daleks.

Manipulation Of His Friends

Eleven's treatment of his companions also got worse when you consider how the Time Lord manipulated them. As time went on, fans witnessed Eleven become more inconsiderate and deceptive as he began to keep details to himself.

At first, he did this to try to protect his friends ("The Almost People"). However, he would later create plans that deeply hurt and traumatized the people he cared about. Remember when he made Amy and Rory watch him die and didn't tell them he was alive? Or how he knew what the ossified creatures were in "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS?"

His Self-Loathing

Another thing that got worse over time was Eleven's self-esteem issues. One flaw that fans never really noticed until Eleven's tenure ended was his belief that he wasn't a good man. In "Amy's Choice," Eleven revealed the excessive hatred he had for himself when he realized the Dream Lord was an aspect of his subconscious.

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Even after saving plenty of other planets, Eleven still didn't believe he was a good person, with the Great Time War haunting him. Although he did help save Gallifrey, this pain followed him to the fields of Trenzalore where he made his final stand.

His Social Manners

While Eleven excelled at many things, his social skills weren't one of them. Because of his childlike manner, Eleven didn't really filter what he said, which made him appear discourteous and unpleasant. He also had poor social etiquette, which got him into trouble on more than one occasion.

For instance, he pointed out to Amy that she had crows feet. He also told Clara he thought she was "too short, bossy, and her nose was funny." Let's not forget either how he attended the Oswald's Christmas dinner naked.

The Consequences Of His Actions

In Eleven's tenure, the one thing that gradually got worse was how he didn't think about the consequences of his actions. Since he had a god complex, fans saw Eleven fail to take responsibility for incidents he inadvertently caused. He refuses to accept that he is the reason Amy and Rory lost their child.

In "A Christmas Carol," he also set Kazran and Abigail up for heartbreak by not checking why she was in the cryo unit in the first place. Let's not forget how irrational it was to give the Great Intelligence access to his timeline. Every victory he had nearly turned into a defeat because he didn't think about his actions.

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