Screen Rant

  • Batman #110 reveals the Dark Knight's new nemesis is the ultimate Arkham Knight... 1 / 7

    Batman 110 Cover
  • Sean Mahoney, a survivor from a disaster at Arkham... 2 / 7

  • Who, according to Harley Quinn, was never a hero - but has reinvented himself after A-Day... 3 / 7

    Harley Quinn on Peacekeeper-01 Vertical
  • Becoming Peacekeeper-01... 4 / 7

    Batman and Peacekeeper-01
  • The man destined to champion a fascist state in Gotham... 5 / 7

  • And come as close as anyone to killing Batman. 6 / 7

  • How ironic; Arkham's worst legacy was a guard, not an inmate! 7 / 7