Batman is perhaps the most iconic comic book character ever created, and he has been at the center of some impressive big-screen adventures. Some fans prefer the gothic fun of Tim Burton's Batman while others prefer Christopher Nolan's grounded trilogy. And plenty of fans are eagerly awaiting what The Batman will deliver. But one of the best adaptations often gets overlooked.

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Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is a brilliant animated adventure and spin-off of Batman: The Animated Series. Like this series, the movie delivers an authentic and compelling take on the Batman story that should please all fans of the character. Here are 10 reasons why Mask of the Phantasm is the most underrated Batman movie.

The Score

Batman Mask of the Phantasm wallpaper

The Batman movies have had some pretty impressive musical scores over the years, but the opening music for this movie immediately puts you in the mood for adventure. The music is a version of the theme song, which is itself a version of Danny Elfman's score from the 1989 Batman movie.

However, what makes this version so memorable is the operatic chorus that backs the music. As it plays over the opening credits while we pan over Gotham City, every Batman fan will immediately get goosebumps.

The Villain

Phantasm in Mask of the Phantasm

Batman has some of the most iconic villains of all time, so it is a bold decision for this movie to create a totally new villain for its story. However, the move proved to be quite effective as the Phantasm made for the perfect antagonist.

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The Phantasm is a ghost-like figure who is taking out some of Gotham's most dangerous criminals as punishment for their past crimes. His character design is appropriately creepy, and feels like a darker version of Bruce Wayne's Batman.

The Dark Tone

Alfred sees Batman for the first time in Mask of the Phantasm

While some comic book characters feel more natural with a light approach, Batman has always been a character who fits a darker tone. The animated series, though meant for young viewers, understood that aesthetic and struck a wonderful balance.

This movie pushes the boundaries even further. The Phantasm actually kills their victims, and the climax of the film definitely gets violent. There is also a brooding intensity that hangs over the story that fits it well without being too much for youngsters.

The Birth Of Batman

Batman Mask Of The Phantasm

Batman Begins gave us a fun look at Batman's origin story of becoming the Caped Crusader. It's a story we are probably all familiar with but it's a fascinating one, nonetheless. This movie explores those early days of crime-fighting as well, and does so in a unique way.

We see Bruce Wayne taking on the criminals of Gotham before he donned the cape and cowl. Dressed in a ski mask, he fights a few thugs, and we see that he is not the disciplined crime-fighter he later becomes. In the beginning, he is arrogant and impulsive. It's interesting to see this side of the hero.

The Tragedy Of Bruce Wayne

Batman looks at his mother’s grave in Batman: The Mask of Phantasm

This film thankfully avoids rehashing the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, which we have seen countless times before. However, it does explore a tragic truth about the character which emerges from the debt Bruce believes he owes to his parents.

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He made a vow to become their avenger by fighting crime. However, we also see how that vow has ruined his life. He doesn't think he is allowed to be happy because of the promise he made. He is controlled by keeping that promise even if he craves a new life.

A Path Not Taken

Andrea Beaumont in Mask of the Phantasm

Along with seeing Bruce's early days of fighting crime, we also get to see one of his early romances. Interestingly enough, this romance proves to be incredibly significant and could have changed his entire life.

Bruce meets and falls in love with Andrea Beaumont and finds genuine happiness with her. This presents a dilemma as Bruce did not anticipate finding happiness after his parents' death; he struggles between having a real life and keeping his vow. It is a fascinating crossroads for him.


While the Phantasm makes for a great new villain, the filmmakers were wise enough to include Batman's most iconic enemy as well to add a spark to the story. Not only is Joker a welcome addition to the film, but this might also be the best use of the character in any Batman film.

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Mark Hamill's performance as Joker is undeniably brilliant, but the use of the character in this film is especially impressive. He is seen as a madman who even Gotham's mobsters are afraid of. Joker is used sparingly, making him seem genuinely threatening and terrifying whenever he appears on-screen.

Examining Vigilantism

Batman mask of the phantasm poster

Batman is always seen as something of an outlaw because he brings justice through his vigilantism. This movie explores the rights and wrongs about his crime-fighting ways, and asks some philosophical questions about taking justice into your own hands.

The Phantasm is only interested in revenge, killing those who are deemed guilty. Batman tries to stop the Phantasm, but Alfred reflects that it might be just a matter of time before Batman goes down a similar path having been consumed by hate.

The Detective

Batman stares at batsignal in Mask of the Phantasm

Batman is often referred to as the World's Greatest Detective, but that's an aspect of the character that hasn't really been seen in the live-action films. However, the animated series embraces the character's sleuthing, and it carries over into this film as well.

We still get plenty of crime-fighting action, but it's exciting to see Batman using his brain as well. It helps that the mystery of the Phantasm is truly intriguing, and it makes following Batman through the clues very compelling.

The Final Battle

Epic Joker laugh from Batman Mask of the Phantasm

After an intense and thrilling build-up, the movie reaches its climactic final sequence in which the Phantasm seeks revenge on one final target: Joker. The sequence is fittingly set in a rundown amusement park where Joker has made a home.

From the final reveal that Andrea is the Phantasm to the Joker reveal to the final fight, this is a great and powerful sequence. We see Batman willing to bring his fight with Joker to a final end, Andrea showing how far revenge can push a person, and the perfect final Joker scene with him laughing hysterically as the amusement park explodes around him.

NEXT: Batman: 5 Ways Robert Pattinson's Version Can Be Different (And 5 Traditions He Needs To Uphold)