Stormbreaker from Avengers: Infinity War may have been created to kill Thor (Chris Hemsworth). For the longest time, the God of Thunder used Mjölnir as his favorite weapon. But when the magical hammer was destroyed by Hela (Cate Blanchett) in Thor: Ragnarok, he was forced to get Stormbreaker in preparation for the Avengers' fight against Thanos (Josh Brolin). However, what Thor might not know is that the battle-ax was made to neutralize him.

Thor's Infinity Saga arc was mired with tragedies. He experienced a couple of losses in Thor: Ragnarok with the death of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and the destruction of Asgard. Given this, it's unsurprising that he was hell-bent on seeking revenge against Thanos when he ruthlessly killed Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Heimdall (Idris Elba) alongside half of the remaining Asgardians at the start of Avengers: Infinity War. Instead of going straight to Earth to reunite with his fellow Avengers, the God of Thunder decided to go out of his way to Nidavellir in an effort to acquire a "Thanos-killing-kind" weapon from the master blacksmith, Eitri (Peter Dinklage). Luckily, the King of the Dwarves delivered with Stormbreaker.

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As seen in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, the battle-ax is very powerful. Had Thor gone for Thanos' head in Wakanda, the Mad Titan would've been defeated immediately. But, the origins of Stormbreaker could be very dark, as one theory suggests that it was created to kill the Asgardian Prince instead. When Thor went to Nidavellir, he was unaware that the weapon existed. It was Eitri who brought out the mold after Thor convinced him to help his cause in stopping the Mad Titan. According to the Dwarf King, Stormbreaker is "a king's weapon, meant to be the greatest in Asgard." Eitri didn't further elaborate, but since Odin had been the Asgardian king for centuries, it's possible that he was the one who had it made in case Thor lost his way and became unhinged like Hela. Learning a difficult lesson from his firstborn, the former Allfather may have recognized Thor's bad tendencies and decided that it's best to have a backup plan in case he followed his sister's footsteps. In addition to that, the fact that it's named Stormbreaker also seems like a secret nod to the battle-ax’s potential real use since Thor is also known as God of Thunder.

Anthony Hopkins Odin Hela Thor Ragnarok

With Odin now dead, there's little to no chance to confirm if this particular Avengers: Infinity War theory is actually true. That’s unless Eitri makes another appearance in the MCU after Avengers: Infinity War and talks about the origins of Stormbreaker. Given the existence of the ax's mold, chances are that whoever asked Eitri to create Stormbreaker discusses what it's supposed to be for. If it was indeed Odin who asked for it to be made, the Dwarf King would've known whether or not it was really designed to neutralize Thor. Perhaps, it's also the reason why Eitri didn't delve deep into why he had that specific mold in the first place. Since he had also learned that Odin had just passed, Eitri didn't want to burden Thor with the knowledge that his own father commissioned a secret ax that's intended to kill him.

Fortunately for Odin, Thor didn't follow Hela's suit. Granted that the Avenger is still prone to committing mistakes as seen in Avengers: Infinity War, he has mostly learned his lessons; everything he does comes with good intentions. He isn't greedy for power, evidenced by his decision to give up the Asgardian throne in Avengers: Endgame knowing that he isn't fit for the job. In any case, with the God of Thunder using Stormbreaker as his primary weapon, Marvel Studios still has the opportunity to address this theory.

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