WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is the beginning of the end for Marvel movies as we know them, but one reference most fans will have missed could tease a major story coming soon. It may not be as iconic or as acclaimed as the tale of Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet, but it does involve most of Marvel's main players - and the first hint at Captain Marvel long before the movie's post-credits scene.

Avengers 4 is expected to finish Infinity War's story, but from there the MCU will need a new direction (one that new heroes like Captain Marvel are expected to help launch). So with James Gunn claiming that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 leads to more Marvel movies, and actor Dave Bautista revealing that Gunn wrote the Guardians' Infinity War dialogue, fans should pay close attention to those cosmic cowboys.

If they do, they'll spot a confirmation of an alien race in the MCU with ties to villains who could act as the next 'big bad' of Marvel's Phase 4. Marvel fans, it's time to learn about the Cotati, the Celestial Messiah... and the origins of the Kree-Skrull War.

  • This Page: Infinity War's 'Cotati' Easter Egg

Fans shouldn't feel too bad about missing this Easter Egg, since it's dropped quickly in conversation, and easy to miss. It comes when the Guardians have first encountered Thor floating through space after the destruction of his ship. The heroes pull him on board and soon find themselves stunned by his size, physique, and looks. That's not news to the audience, but Gamora makes the most noteworthy observation.

Mantis and Rocket looking at an unconcious Thor in Infinity War

As she takes one of Thor's godlike arms in her hands, she observes that "it's like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibers" before Star-Lord insists she unhand him. But as most fans are laughing at Peter Quill's insecurity, some may be asking: who or what are the Cotati that Gamora is referring to? The answer is fantastic, otherworldly, and inherently weird... so it makes perfect sense that one of James Gunn's Guardians should make their introduction.

The Cotati on their own are part of an incredible story. A race of intelligent, even telepathic trees, the Cotati once shared the planet Hala with the far more vicious Kree (the empire to which Guardians villain Ronan the Accuser belonged). Eventually the Kree tried to kill the Cotati to the point of extinction, leaving only a handful to spread across the galaxy through telepathically-reached sympathizers.

The trees spread and flourished, along with knowledge of a great prophecy involving their species - and the role that Mantis of the Guardians would play in it.

The prophecy stated that some day the most perfectly evolved plant and the most perfectly evolved lifeform would unite, procreate, and give birth to a child. That child - the perfect blend of flora and fauna - would be a savior to the universe, known as the Celestial Messiah. And it would be Mantis who gave birth to it as the Celestial Madonna.

To clarify, the most ancient and powerful telepathic tree-- sorry, Cotati accomplished the task by reanimating and possessing the body of Mantis's lover, Swordsman. The child, Sequoia, was born and hidden from those who sought to end the prophecy. Wild adventures that saw Mantis and the Avengers team up with Thanos eventually followed, all of which seems unlikely to be adapted to film without serious changes.

We're speculating here, but if Marvel isn't likely to adapt the story of the Cotati, why mention them by name, accompanied by "metal" to ensure many viewers would miss it, assuming it to be a generic alien term? Earlier rumors claimed the Cotati were going to appear in Thor: Ragnarok, so it appears there is more to this reference than a fun, throwaway wink. Especially knowing that James Gunn wrote the Guardians' dialogue in Infinity War.

The answer could confirm the next grand space opera of the MCU, since the Cotati are, indirectly, the cause of the Kree-Skrull War soon to be seen in Captain Marvel. Two ancient empires many suspect will take the spotlight in Marvel's next, galaxy-spanning movie era.

How The Cotati Started The Kree-Skrull War

For casual fans of Marvel Comics, there are no alien empires prouder, more dangerous, or simply older than the Skrull Empire and Kree Empire. Naturally, the two empires have been engaged in malicious warfare for millions - yes, millions - of years. As a result, both exist as perpetual threats in the Marvel Universe of the comics, having both carried out missions involving and against humans as part of this larger conflict. But that didn't used to be the case. The Skrulls came first, and began their empire seeking only peace, cooperation, and partners in creating wonders across the cosmos.

That was the reason for the Skrulls first coming to the planet Hala around ten million years before the current Marvel Universe. Since the planet was occupied by two separate, and isolated intelligent species - the barbarian Kree and telepathic Cotati - the Skrulls decided only one would be chosen as representative. Samples from both groups would be left for one year on a barren moon: whoever achieved the greater success in developing it would lead Hala into a new age as a planet loyal to the Skrulls.

Where the Kree built a city, the Cotati turned their barren moon into a lush garden. And even before the Skrulls could make their decision, the Kree embraced their warring instincts, slaughtering the Cotati... and then the Skrull ambassadors, too.

The Kree Are Coming To The MCU

Kree warriors

The story in which this history unfolds points out that it makes the Kree seem barbaric, but no more so than humans. Having learned how to use Skrull technology during their year of construction, the Kree use the dead Skrulls' ship to advance from barbarians to a space-faring military superpower. It wasn't until the Kree launched their first attack on the Skrulls that the peace-loving aliens realized what had happened so many years before. By then the Kree were an empire all their own, and the Skrulls embraced warfare, violence, and espionage - becoming the equally terrifying superpower that modern Marvel heroes and readers know.

Fortunately, as we mentioned before, the Cotati survived their genocide to escape to new worlds. Apparently, they also exist in the MCU, since Gamora is familiar with them, even if "Cotati metal" is a bit of a mystery. The blue-skinned Kree Empire have also been introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy after signing a peace treaty with the Xandarians (who were possibly wiped out by Thanos along with the Nova Corps).

The Skrulls were also considered to be introduced as far back as The Avengers, but some confusion over the rights, and whether they belonged to Marvel or Fox, saw their introduction scrapped. That's no longer an issue one way or another (since Disney now owns both Marvel and Fox's characters). Apparently, Gunn, Marvel, and Infinity War are wasting no time in dropping the clues to the coming Cotati/Kree/Skrull saga.

Will The Kree-Skrull War Launch Phase 4 of The MCU?

Ronan Captain Marvel

Hopefully fans can already see why the comic book die-hards are so relieved to see Captain Marvel introducing the Skrulls. It makes sense, since the heroine (Carol Danvers) only becomes a superhero thanks to an encounter with Mar-Vell, a Kree soldier who is far more tolerant than his homeworld and military commanders. When Captain Marvel was announced, it was all but assumed to be a confirmation that both the Kree and their mortal enemies, the Skrulls would arrive along with her. With confirmation that the Captain Marvel movie will include the Kree-Skrull War story from 1971, the masterminds of the MCU have limitless story potential to work with.

That's made all the more compelling by the point in the MCU's timeline that Captain Marvel arrives. Fans were rightly annoyed when Marvel had yet to announce a female-led movie, and their claims that they were following "a plan" did little to address the concern. But if the plan was to introduce Captain Marvel, the Kree, and the Skrulls alongside Avengers 4, fans can use their imagination. Thanos and the Infinity Stones will soon be dealt with, leaving the MCU in need of a new franchise-wide, unifying plot. Secret Invasion, anyone?

Assuming that's the case, and assuming James Gunn is helping bring that story to the MCU... this nod to the Cotati, and the origins of the Kree-Skrull War seems like just the kind of hint the director would drop. It may only be spotted by the most devoted fans, but luckily everyone will get to enjoy it come Phase 4.

Assuming that's Marvel's plan, of course.

MORE: Did Thanos Just Created Nova in Avengers: Infinity War?

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