Screen Rant

  • With the opportunity to undo Thanos' snap in Endgame, the heroes collects all Infinity Stones 1 / 10

    Avengers Endgame Poster Vertical
  • But they needed a brand new Infinity Gauntlet to be able to reverse The Decimation 2 / 10

  • Which Stark provided them with using the resources and tech in the Avengers HQ 3 / 10

    Iron Man Endgame EW Cover Vertical
  • But how is that possible considering that Thanos had to go to Nidavellir to have his own gauntlet made? 4 / 10

    Josh Brolin as Thanos in Avengers: Endgame
  • Thanos, however, didn't care about the material that the gauntlet was constructed from 5 / 10

    Avengers Infinity War Poster Thanos Vertical
  • He went to Nidavellir for Eitri and his design abilities as a blacksmith which Thor pointed out 6 / 10

  • Given that, Stark only had to create a replica using the resources he had 7 / 10

    Iron Man Tony Stark Vertical
  • Stark also had different encounters with the stone giving him an idea on how they work 8 / 10

    Avengers Endgame Poster Cropped Vertical
  • In any case, MCU has established that "magic's just science we don't understand yet." 9 / 10

    Vertical Avengers Endgame Iron Man
  • And Stark may have recreated the mystical capabilities of the gauntlet through advanced science 10 / 10

    Tony Stark Makes A New Element In Iron Man 2 Vertical