Screen Rant

  • The Avengers considered visiting a number of different times in Avengers: Endgame... 1 / 7

    Avengers Endgame Professor Hulk Vertical
  • And one shot shows they actually programmed a visit to 2009 - but why? 2 / 7

  • This can only be related to the Space Stone somehow... 3 / 7

  • And may reflect that, in 2009, Nick Fury was under pressure to reactivate Project PEGASUS... 4 / 7

    Samuel L. Jackson as the MCU's Nick Fury
  • And unlock the secrets of the Tesseract. 5 / 7

    Tesseract Vertical
  • Perhaps in 2009, the Tesseract was moved... 6 / 7

    The Tesseract Vertical
  • And the Avengers considered stealing it during transport, easier than breaking into PEGASUS. 7 / 7

    Project PEGASUS Vertical