Bucky was noticeably underdressed during Iron Man's funeral in Avengers: Endgame — why? This particular detail has garnered attention post-release as many pointed out how the former Winter Soldier was dressed to the nines during his trip to Madripoor in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Yet, he didn't even put a suit jacket on during Tony Stark's funeral service.

Otherwise unrelated to each other, Iron Man and Bucky are connected by the murder of Howard and Maria Stark in 1991. What was previously ruled out to be a simple car accident was revealed to be a murder mandated by HYDRA and carried out by the Winter Soldier. Captain America's decision to intentionally hide this detail from his fellow hero to protect his friend was what ultimately led to the break-up of the Avengers in Captain America: Civil War, as carefully plotted by Zemo. Two years after that, Bucky was dusted by Thanos' snap in Avengers: Infinity War; five years later, he was brought back in Endgame where he was plugged in the most intense and massive fight thus far in the MCU. It was also on the same battlefield that Iron Man died, sacrificing himself to ensure that the Mad Titan and his minions do not pose a threat to the universe.

Related: Falcon & Winter Soldier Proves Tony Stark Was Wrong In Civil War

Given the quick succession of events, not to mention other more important matters to address, Bucky and Tony never really got to properly talk about the Starks' deaths. This may have something to do with the reason why he's inappropriately dressed during Iron Man's funeral in Endgame. To pay their final respects, everyone was in their formal clothes during the memorial service, and even Drax put a shirt on despite having some aversion to it. Yet, Bucky was in a casual tracksuit jacket because he might not even be planning on attending at all. While he was brainwashed during his days as the Winter Soldier, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier made it clear that Bucky still feels remorse for his Winter Soldier past, hence why he carries a list of people he needs to make amends with. It's also possible that he didn't think that Tony wanted him to be there considering how their last interaction panned out. But perhaps someone convinced him to come anyway - maybe it was actually Sam, who appeared to be offering him support during what presumably was an uncomfortable situation for Bucky.

Winter Soldier Bucky Howard Stark Assassination SR

What Bucky might have not known is that in the five years leading to Endgame's time heist, Tony learned to let go of his hang-ups. During Iron Man's reconciliation with Captain America, he admitted that he only wanted peace, realizing during his time living a quiet life with his family that "resentment is corrosive." Although Tony didn't specifically name-drop Bucky, the fact that he reached out to Steve and didn't hint that he wanted to further discuss their falling out in Civil War indicated that he had moved on from the incident. So while he and Bucky didn't have the chance to sit down and properly discuss the tragedy of December 16, 1991, it's safe to say that he has forgiven The Winter Soldier for his involvement in the death of his parents.

On Bucky's end, however, he may still need to properly make amends for the murder of Howard and Maria Stark so he can fully move on with his new life removed from his days as a ruthless assassin. Tony, who was directly affected by their death is no longer around following his death in Avengers: Endgame, but he can reach out to his family in Pepper Potts and Morgan Stark instead. While this possibility isn't hinted at in Bucky'scurrent arc in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, he will eventually have to go through his list which may very well include the Starks' assassination.

More: Endgame: Why Captain America Didn't Take Bucky With Him To The Past

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