There are many characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender that had romantic relationships in the series. Some of these characters, such as Aang and Katara, also ended up being canon and were still together as adults in The Legend of Korra. One couple that many fans love is Sokka and Suki.

RELATED: The Last Airbender: Sokka’s 5 Best Traits (& His 5 Worst)

These two are both dynamic, likable, and interesting characters, so it’s no wonder that many fans ship them. But, while there might be some great things about them together, there are also some things about their relationship that just don’t make sense.

Sokka was overall just kind of a flirt

Sokka and Yue from The Last Airbender

While most of the characters on the series had mostly one, or maybe two, characters that they flirted with or had crushes on, Sokka was probably the biggest flirt of all.

He was definitely interested in cute girls, and he also had two significant romantic relationships over the course of these series. While there isn’t anything wrong with this, it does make it a little harder to take this relationship seriously.

Why Suki fell for Sokka so fast after he was sexist

Sokka and Suki's First Kiss, Avatar

When Sokka and Suki first meet on Kyoshi Island, Sokka still has a lot of sexist ideas about the roles of men and women. He thinks he’s a much better warrior than Suki, and she easily puts him in his place.

While Sokka does see the error of his ways, it’s strange that Suki falls for Sokka so quickly after this and ends up kissing him. It seems she would want to really see that he would treat her like an equal.

We don’t know what their relationship actually looked like

Suki and Sokka Meet up in the Comics in Cranefish Town, Avatar

Sokka and Suki seem like a good couple in the scenes we do see of them together. But, for the most part, we don’t get all of them as a couple. While we do see them interact together, it’s mostly around other people.

They do seem to joke around and tease one another in an endearing way, but it's hard to get a good sense of who they would be as a couple. This is likely because there wasn’t enough time for it.

Sokka was more immature than Suki

Sokka and Suki from the last airbender

Sokka goes on a long character arc over the three seasons. He starts out as a rather sheltered and immature, hilarious teenage boy who wants to lead but doesn’t know how to. By the end of the series, he’s grown up a lot and has become a leader who is much more mature. However, Suki is still more put together than him.

RELATED: The Last Airbender: 5 Reasons Katara and Aang Were Soulmates (& 5 They Weren’t)

When Sokka met Suki, she was already the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. She seemed to already have achieved a lot, so they seem mismatched in this way.

Why Suki wasn’t more permanently part of team avatar

Sokka Suki And Zuko In Avatar The Last Airbender

This point isn’t just about Suki and Sokka’s relationship as it’s also about how Suki was handled as a character on the show. While she clearly had her own responsibilities to worry about as a Kyoshi Warrior, it would have been great to see her be with Team Avatar more than she was.

Every time she helped them out she was an invaluable asset, and we would have been able to see more of her and Sokka’s relationship.

They might have been better with other people

Adult Toph and Sokka Legend of Korra

While Sokka and Suki are good together in many ways, some fans argue that they would be a better fit with other characters. Many fans would have liked to see Sokka with someone like Toph or even Zuko.

While we don’t see Suki interact with other characters as much, she could have been with someone else or just not been with anyone at all.

The fact that Sokka fell so hard for Yue after knowing Suki

Avatar Sokka and Yue

Sokka and Suki meet early on in the first season of The Last Airbender, but they only interact for one episode. Then, not long after, Sokka meets Princess Yue at the Northern Water Tribe, and he falls hard and fast for her.

RELATED: The Last Airbender: 5 Reasons Sokka and Suki Were Soulmates (& 5 They Weren’t)

This means Sokka was introduced to his two main love interests in the space of only a couple of months. It’s hard to completely invest in either of these relationships because of this fact.

Suki became too much of a love interest

Sokka Refuses to Kiss Suki In Front of the Moon

Suki has a lot of potential as a character, and when she does appear in episodes, she is a badass. However, she becomes a love interest somewhat by default. Because she's not an official member of Team Avatar and comes in and out of the story, her role as leader of the Kyoshi Warriors isn’t given as much importance.

If she hadn’t dated Sokka, she would be less defined by her relationship status.

Why Sokka got over Yue so quickly

Suki and Sokka talking about Yue

After Yue’s tragic end by turning into the Moon Spirit, Sokka doesn’t really take all that long to get over her. While he’s clearly sad about what happened, he has feelings for Suki relatively quickly.

This seems like an effort on the creators’ part to wrap up Sokka’s story with a good ending, but it would have been more interesting and realistic if he and Sokka had just been friends.

What happened to them after the events of the series

A blended image features Suki out of and in her Kyoshi warrior garb and makeup in The Last Airbender animated series

While most of the main characters in the series are featured quite a bit in The Legend of Korra, we never hear anything about Suki. Katara and Aang end up together and so do Mai and Zuko, but we know basically nothing about what happens to Suki and Sokka.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense that no explanation is given, and many fans speculate that they didn’t stay together. Some people even think Sokka and Toph might have had a fling at some point.

NEXT: Avatar: The Last Airbender – 5 Reasons We’re Excited For The Live-Action Adaptation (& 5 We Want Another Animated Series)