A new clip from Army of the Dead shows the team facing off against a zombie tiger. Zack Snyder's return to blockbuster filmmaking is hitting Netflix later this month and early reactions to Army of the Dead have praised the film for its bombastic hybrid zombie-heist action. Set to follow a group of ragtag mercenaries led by Dave Bautista's Scott Ward, the group will head into the Nevada desert to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from a Las Vegas casino vault. What they're not expecting is smarter, faster zombies that have now taken over the city and formed a society of their own.

In addition to the zombies, the group will face off against all kinds of creatures, including zombie horses, birds, and tigers. Snyder is looking to up the ante on the zombie genre in the same way he did with his 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake. This includes fleshing out an entire zombie universe at Netflix that will encompass Army of the Dead prequel Army of the Thieves and an anime-style animated prequel series. It's unclear if there are any sequel plans for Army of the Dead at this point, as it's likely that not all of the team will make it out alive because of the various threats they'll be facing.

Related: Why Army Of The Dead's Zombie King Will Be Key To Snyder's Shared Universe

One of those threats is the aforementioned zombie tiger, previewed in a new clip via Netflix. The group are spread out on the streets of Vegas, seemingly working their way through the city during the heist. While no zombies are immediately in sight, a distant growling warns them of the predator stalking them. The group seems surprised to see the zombie tiger and, unfortunately, the clip cuts off right before they take action against this attack. Check out the full video below:

This clip in particular seems to take place early on in the film primarily because of the group's reaction to the zombie tiger. It seems as if Army of the Dead's group of mercenaries haven't encountered much of the titular army at this point, meaning the tiger is likely the strangest thing they've seen thus far in the film. Unfortunately, that seems to be only the beginning as they contend with much more serious threats later in the film.

Army of the Dead's zombie king, the leader of the horde in Las Vegas, immediately comes to mind as one of those threats that will pop up later. Still, much has yet to be revealed about the film and considering it has a nearly two-and-a-half hour runtime, it seems Snyder has plenty more tricks up his sleeve. How he'll outdo a zombie tiger remains to be seen, but Vegas is full of plenty of oddities that will become even stranger when they are zombi-fied. The clip above may only reveal one minute of what's in store for Army of the Dead, but seeing as that's only the beginning, things are bound to get even messier.

More: Army Of The Dead Zombies Explained: Alphas, Shamblers, And Animals

Source: Netflix

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