This article contains spoilers for Andor episode 11.Andor episode 11's Easter eggs continue to foreshadows its hero's fate. Most Star Wars Disney+ TV shows are absolutely packed with Easter eggs. Andor, however, keeps Easter eggs and fan-service to a minimum. It's more of a character study than anything else, charting one man's transformation into a rebel hero. There are a scattering of familiar characters, but the ones seen the most are brand new to this series.

Andor episode 11 is principally about getting the pieces in place for the finale. Cassian's mother, Maarva Andor, has passed away while he was imprisoned on Narkina 5, and naturally that means all parties are flocking to Ferrix in the hopes Cassian will turn up. Meanwhile, the net continues to tighten around Luthen, who's intercepted by the Empire when leaving a meeting with Saw Gerrera and his Partisans. There are only a few Star Wars Easter eggs and references in this episode, but they're sure to leave viewers delighted.

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Andor Episode 11 Secretly Set Up Another Of The Partisans

Andor Episode 11 Keredians

Andor episode 11 secretly introduces a future member of Saw Gerrera's Partisans. Cassian is captured by two Keredians, a little-known race who have no love for the Empire and seem to have generally aligned with the rebels. One of these Keredians is recognizable as Cycyed Ock, notable for the cyber-optic systems connected directly into his brain that grant him sharper vision. Cycyed Ock will find his way to the Partisans, appearing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He's one of the few Partisans to survive the destruction of Jedha, although according to Star Wars: The Smugglers Guide he wound up in prison soon afterwards.

Luthen Is Almost Captured By A Cantwell-Class Arrestor Cruiser

Star Wars Cantwell Class Arrestor

Meanwhile, Andor episode 11 sees Luthen almost captured by a ship recognizable from Solo: A Star Wars Story. The Cantwell-class Arrestor cruiser was originally designed by Colin Cantwell for the first Star Wars movie, and elements of its design were incorporated into the Death Star - notably the dish, which Cantwell had imagined as focusing the tractor beam. Cantwell's sketches were discovered by the production crew of Solo: A Star Wars Story, who incorporated the vessel into their film and even named it in Cantwell's honor. In-universe, the Cantwell-class Arrestor cruisers were created by Kuat Drive Yards to help the Empire police smuggling across the galaxy. They're actually equipped with ion cannons that would have crippled Luthen's ship, but fortunately the captain didn't realize the threat Luthen posed until it was too late.

Luthen's Fake Transponder ID Is A Cool Star Wars Easter Egg

Star Wars Andor Transponder

Luthen, of course, has prepared for this eventuality. His ship, the Fondor, is equipped with a number of fake transponder IDs, presumably purchased on the black market. The one Luthen chooses is actually one of Andor episode 11's few Easter eggs, because the last four digits - 2505 - refer to the release date of the first Star Wars film, May 25. The doomed planet Alderaan is then referenced, because apparently this checks out as a ship registered with the Alderaan Trade Alliance.

Luthen's Countermeasures Make Sense In Star Wars Canon

Andor Episode 11 Cantwell-Cruiser Countermeasures

Andor episode 11 reveals Luthen really is prepared for anything; his ship is equipped with unlikely countermeasures to deal with tractor beams, and he slips through the Empire's net. This kind of countermeasure has been seen before in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, although it's seldom worked so efficiently. Luthen's trick is a simple one; he releases waves of shrapnel towards the tractor beam, allowing its own pull to speed them up until they became particularly destructive. The countermeasures take a few moments to prepare, because the shrapnel has to be aimed perfectly to ensure the tractor beam is neutralized.

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Most smugglers cannot afford such expensive countermeasures, but Stellan Skarsgard's Luthen is a wealthy man who's clearly invested a lot of credits in his own survival. Having escaped the Cantwell-class Arrestor's tractor beam, he then demonstrates phenomenal firepower - including a weapon that hasn't been seen before, with his ship emitting plasma waves from the sides. These look similar to lightsaber blades, and may indeed be powered by kyber crystals. It's reasonable to assume Luthen, a student of history, stumbled upon defensive and offensive techniques that have been long forgotten; that would explain why this hasn't been seen before.

The End of Andor Episode 11 Foreshadows Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Andor Episode 11 Beach

Andor episode 11 ends with its protagonist staring out across the beach, a scene beautifully foreshadowing Cassian Andor's death on Scarif in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Here, he's actually thinking about death; his mother's death, and his belief she'd be proud of what he'd done on Narkina 5. It's likely he was thinking of Maarva Andor on Scarif too, recognizing the parallel, aware he'd given his all for the cause she believed in.

New episodes of Andor release on Wednesdays on Disney+.

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