With survival and social deduction mechanics already in place, hide and seek in Among Us makes perfect sense. The fan-created game mode is a fun spin on traditional Among Us gameplay. There are a few simple rules to playing hide and seek in Among Us, and players will of course have to agree to play hide and seek beforehand. With that in mind, here's everything players need to know to enjoy their own game of hide and seek in Among Us.

At the start of the game, players need to call an emergency meeting to establish who the Impostor is. Although Among Us can be played with multiple Impostors, one Impostor works best for hide and seek. Once the Impostor reveals themselves, usually by venting early on, players will skip the vote and start hiding. The Impostor usually counts for 15 seconds, although this part can be altered based on player preferences.

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Once the Impostor has finished counting, they will begin searching for crewmates. During Among Us' hide and seek mode, Crewmates must continue completing tasks while trying to hide. Impostors cannot use vents, sabotage, or close doors. Using security cameras and admin consoles are also forbidden. Basically, anything that helps people know locations of other players shouldn't be used during hide and seek in Among Us.

Rules For Hide And Seek In Among Us

swipe among us

The fan-created rules for hide and seek in Among Us also suggest the best ideal settings for players to use. A Twitter account was set up by a group called Among Us Hide and Seek to help people learn the rules quickly. According to that, recommended settings include 1.5-3x speed, 2-5x crewmate visibility with only 0.25x Impostor visibility, and a 15 second kill cooldown. Short kill distance and only 6-9 tasks for crewmates are also recommended. These settings are a great starting point, but can be changed based on the group and individual player preference.

Once hide and seek starts, calling emergency meetings and Among Us voting should be avoided, so that players will never gather during the game. In order to win, the Impostor must kill the Crewmates before they complete all their tasks. If Crewmates want to win, they must complete all tasks before the Impostor can kill them. If only one crewmate and one Impostor is left, then the Impostor wins.

Overall, hide and seek is a fun new twist in Among Us. It's great that fans in the community have come up with a new way to experience the game. For anyone looking to play hide and seek, these rules are a great starting place. However, players can customize the rules as the group sees fit.

Next: Among Us' Best Settings For A Perfect Game

Source: HideAmongSeek/Twitter