In Age of Empires 4 players can age to the next civilization stage in the Mongol civilization by creating Landmarks. Landmarks have replaced the mechanic in past Age of Empire games where players needed to build a certain number of buildings to reach a new era. Most civilizations like the Mongol have two Landmarks to choose from in each age, and only one can be constructed per game. By gathering the needed materials, players can advance their Mongol civilization as soon as possible with the best Landmark of that age.

There are three ages that every civilization needs to reach in Age of Empires 4. After gathering enough materials for the Landmark of their choice, Mongol civilization players will reach the Feudal Age, then the Castle Age, and finally the Imperial Age. Each Landmark displays how many resources are required to advance to the next age, as well as the benefits that come along with building the Landmark. Players who excel at real-time strategy games may be able to challenge themselves with various Landmarks, but ultimately each civilization has a clear path for which Landmarks are easiest to use.

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The Mongol civilization is a fast-paced choice that focuses on a lot of trading and aggressive play. The best Mongol civilization Landmarks focus on both economic and military power and the civilization definitely plays faster than the Holy Roman Empire in Age of Empires 4. The Mongol civilization's best Landmarks are Silver Tree, Kurultai, and the White Stupa.

Best Mongol Civilization Landmarks to Build in Age of Empires 4

Age of Empires 4 Key Art

The Silver Tree is an economic Landmark in Age of Empires 4 that brings the Mongol civilization into the Feudal Age. The Silver Tree acts as a market and can build traders 50% faster and at 50% of gold production cost. Although it's an Age II Landmark, the Silver Tree is one of the best trading Landmarks in Age of Empires 4. Mongols are one of the strongest trading civilizations, and this particular Landmark really outshines other trading Landmarks when trade centers are in the corners of maps.

Kurultai is a military Landmark for the Mongol civilization that brings them into the Castle Age. Kurultai heals all nearby damaged units and provides a +25% damage bonus for 30 seconds when the Khan is nearby. This Landmark is perfect for aggressive play, and it is at this point that good Mongol players can even outplay French civilization strategies in Age of Empires 4.

The White Stupa is another economic Landmark for the Mongol Civilization, but this Landmark brings them into the Imperial Age. This Landmark acts as an Ovoo and produces 240 stones per minute without stone outcropping. Stone is a finite resource, and this is the only way to improve stone accumulation to get the late-game upgrades sooner in Age of Empires 4.

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Age of Empires 4 is available on PC.