One of the main criticisms of Adam Sandler movies actually stems from the secretly genius marketing trick he employs. One of Hollywood's most successful comic actors, Adam Sandler's career spans an impressive number of years. Sandler's longevity is indicative of his popularity, but although his recent turns in more serious roles have seen him reappraised as an actor, the general consensus on his career has been less than favorable for many years.

Though Adam Sandler's success is undeniable, his movies face near-constant criticism. The most common complaints take aim at Sandler's often juvenile sense of humor, as well as the formulaic nature of many of his comedies and his constant casting of his real-life friends in all of his movies. Regardless of his critics, Sandler's movies continue to earn him greater success year after year, and he's reportedly worth over $420 million. Sandler's movies are consistently able to reach a wide audience, and they often succeed far beyond expectations.

Related: Adam Sandler's Next Perfect Sequel Would Continue His Critics War

This is actually because Adam Sandler movies tap into a genius marketing tactic. By creating comedy movies targeted at a specific demographic, Sandler is able to ensure the widest possible audience, and that translates into major success. This enables Adam Sandler to disprove a common criticism of his work by creating movies seemingly aimed at a young adult audience - the humor may be juvenile, but his films clearly aren't for children. This opens Sandler's comedies up to critical bashing, but it's also the reason for their success.

Adam Sandler's Movies Have Something For Everyone (Except Critics)

Adam Sandler 90s movies Happy Gilmore Waterboy

By delivering comedic adventures that are never overly explicit, Adam Sandler caters to a wider audience than he may seem to. Though many of his movies lack the components required of a family film, his occasionally base sense of humor is something that largely appeals to a pre-teen and adolescent audience. In this regard, Adam Sandler's movies offer something for almost everyone, because they can be enjoyed by adults and teens alike. This contributes to Adam Sandler's reputation as a perfect entertainer, even though his movies are rarely (if ever) critical darlings.

Critics most often take aim at Sandler's jokes, which are often considered base and juvenile. However, this sort of humor broadly appeals to the younger contingent of his audience but, importantly, is still accessible to adults. In fact, Sandler's largely inoffensive brand of humor seems designed to appeal to the broadest possible audience by appealing to the lowest common denominator, and though it's earned him general career success, it also provides regular fodder to his most vocal critics.

The evidence of Sandler's marketing genius can be seen in almost every aspect of his career. For example, though Adam Sandler's Netflix movies are considered bad, his deal with the streaming giant has still afforded a massive boost to his net worth, and that's because they guarantee an audience. There may always be those who are willing to loudly denounce Adam Sandler movies, but his success speaks for itself, and that can be attributed in part to his movie marketing genius.

Next: Every Adam Sandler Movie Ranked Worst To Best