Without a doubt, the fact that 1000-lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton qualified for gastric bypass surgery, which usually sparks dramatic weight loss, will be mind-blowing for this season's viewers. For years, the Kentucky native has done everything in her power to self-sabotage herself, when she was actually supposed to be embracing a healthier lifestyle. She refused to give up her partying ways, but after a near-death experience, she had a change of heart.

Tammy and her sister Amy Slaton-Halterman have always lived with weight issues, since they were very young. 1000-lb Sisters fans learned that the two sisters were often left to fend for themselves, because their mother was off working, as she needed to support the family. This led the siblings to buy convenience foods that were often very high in calories. 1000-lb Sisters' Tammy Slaton was an extremely polarizing character, thanks to her temper tantrums, which earned her the villain label. However, it looks like she may have turned over a new leaf, and started to take the advice of her doctors seriously.

Related: Why 1000-lb Sisters Fans Believe That Tammy Slaton's Marriage Is Doomed

Tammy Slaton Hit Her Goal Weight

U/swimming_salad_1820 took to Reddit to share some mind-blowing ideas about Tammy's weight, writing, "imagine how tammy would feel being a normal weight after a lifetime of extreme obesity." The notion struck a chord with 1000-lb Sisters fans, as some participants chimed in, noting that Tammy's weight loss would be a game changer. They felt she'd need to re-learn how to live in a smaller body. In the recent episode, Tammy was shocked to learn that she hit her goal weight. She gloated because she had really proved her haters wrong.

Fans Doubt Tammy Slaton's Commitment

However, many thread participants doubted that the 1000-lb Sisters star was capable of committing to a lifelong change. Followers noted that they didn't think Tammy had it "in her" to stop binge-eating, and would probably gain the weight back. Then, she'd need to slim down again, like Amy tried to after her two pregnancies. Others questioned the long-term ramifications of being so heavy for most of her life, with some wondering how she hadn't developed a blood clot or other severe medical condition.

The newest 1000-lb Sisters installment will show Tammy's transformation, after she qualified for her gastric bypass surgery this past summer. The TLC star has been staying in the Ohio rehab center, so doctors and nurses can keep a close eye on her. However, it looks like the professionals aren't watching Tammy closely enough, as she recently shared her review for some junk food snacks, which surely have no place in her new weight loss diet. For now, supporters hope that Tammy can make these big life changes, but others feel she may fall short.

More: 1000-Lb Sisters' Amy Slaton Admits She's 'Happy' Tammy Got Married

Source: U/swimming_salad_1820/Reddit