With Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba releasing the dubbed episodes for the newest arc, fans are getting even more inspiring one-liners from the show. Anime can be known for its quote-worthy lines, and Demon Slayer is no exception to this.

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Tanjiro is known for being very well-spoken in the show, but his lines are not the only ones that can lead fans to repeat them or wear them on merchandise. These inspiring lines are some of the best from the Anime and can be the most repeated.

Keep Moving Forward

"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living - no matter how devastating the blows may be." - Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro looking shocked in Demon Slayer.

Tanjiro Kamado, voiced by famous anime actor Natsuki Hanae, has a lot of well-spoken lines throughout the anime. In the face of his family's death, he manages to take what he could out of the situation; after all, he still had his sister to take care of and live for.

Tanjiro Kamada had to keep pushing to both find a way for his sister to become human again and to also handle this new world that he had been thrown into. The words he uses to encourage her have become memorable ones for many fans.

Use The Emotions

"Feel the rage, the powerful, pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action." - Giyu Tomioka

Giyu pointing his sword at someone in Demon Slayer

Giyu Tomioka's famous line about emotions and motivation really lets fans see into his character and what potentially drives him to act the way that he does and become a hashira.

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Most everyone who is a slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps has something tragic that occurred in their past that thrust them into this world of demons and blood, and those emotions drove them to take action and not just wallow with the grief and trauma that they were left with. While some feelings can be debilitating, they can also be powerful motivational tools.

Straight Facts

"There's no other way to go but forward." - Sabito

Sabito wearing a cat mask in Demon Slayer.

Sabito is a character little is known about, but he offers Tanjiro wisdom beyond that of a child, partly due to his own mistakes in how he died but also because of the different training he had to go through with Urokodaki.

This line is particularly inspiring because of how true it is; Tanjiro cannot go back to the life he had before he knew about demons. He can only keep moving and accomplish the goals he is setting for himself to avenge his family and help his sister.

Keep Going

"Don't ever give up. Even if it's painful, even if it's agonizing, don't try to take the easy way out." - Zenitsu Agatsuma

Demon looking shocked in Slayer Zenitsu

Zenitsu Agatsuma is one of those characters for whom it makes very little sense why he is a demon slayer. Fans were given a bit more insight into his thought process and training when Zenitsu said this line about motivation. He may not have learned everything he could from his master, but he learned this lesson in particular.

Zenitsu has to keep going, keep saving people, and keep hunting demons, not because it is the easy way out, but because it is what he is supposed to do.


"I'm coming through!" - Inosuke Hashibira

Inosuke spreading his arms in Demon Slayer.

This is a signature line for Inosuke Hashibira, voiced by anime veteran Yoshitsugo Matsuoka. It not only captures his fearlessly confident character very well, but it also shows that he is one of those people who will always make an effort to be where he needs to be.

Inosuke has his reasons for being a demon slayer, and they can often be quite different from the others, but no matter the situation or his motivations Inosuke tries and most of the time succeeds in being there for his friends and saving anyone he can in the middle of a fight. He is always coming through.

Be Kind To Yourself

"If you master one, that's cause for celebration." - Zenitsu Agasuma

Zenitsu kneeling down in Demon Slayer.

Zenitsu is not the most powerful of his comrades. He knows fewer forms of his breathing technique than both Tanjiro and Inosuke, but he doesn't let this stop him. Zenitsu has one of the strongest breathing forms in Demon Slayer, and even his use of one is enough for him to fight demons.

This line is one that shows Zenitsu holds space for himself and his personal growth without always comparing it to others. It may seem easy for him to give up because he only knows one form but, he carries on.


"I'm not powerless anymore!" - Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro Kamado wielding a black sword in Demon Slayer.

Tanjiro, during his fight with the demon during final selection, finally realizes his strength. He does not have to fear these creatures to the point of running and hiding.

Tanjiro does have the power to face demons. He trained and worked hard to get to the point where he could defend himself and others. This is the moment he realizes that he can be afraid, but he can also do something about it and eventually not be afraid anymore. He doesn't have to be the boy who lost his family and could do nothing.

Changed But The Same

"Humans are to be protected and saved...I will never hurt them." - Nezuko Kamado

Nezuko looking angry in Demon Slayer.

Nezuko Kamado being turned into a demon was something that almost made her less than human. Even though her brother doesn't act this way, when she meets the Hashira they all think that her humanity is long gone like most other demons.

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However, Nezuko proves that her humanity hasn't gone anywhere. She doesn't see humans as food; she sees them as precious and in need of protection. Nezuko works with Tanjiro to save people and is seen as a member of the core.

Final Words

"No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness set your heart ablaze." - Kyojiro Rengoku

Shinjuro Rengoku looking angry in Demon Slayer.

Rengoku was one of the most well-liked Hashira in Demon Slayer, but his quirks went far deeper than that. His passion for saving people and doing the right thing burned like fire.

Kyojiro wanted to take on Tanjiro's group as pupils and was even teaching them what little he could on their mission. However, his last words were used to try and inspire them to keep working and push past whatever they think their own weaknesses are. Those things shouldn't stop them.

Failure Is Allowed

"It's all right to cry. It's all right to run away. Just don't ever give up." - Jigoro Kuwajima

Jigoro Kuwajima frowning in Demon Slayer.

Jigoro Kuwajima was the master of Zenitsu and he had a few different methods when it came to teaching him. However, he never let Zenitsu give up. Jigoro assured him that failing is okay so long as he picked himself back up and got back to work.

Kuwajima knew that slaying demons was going to be difficult for Zenitsu, but he gave him the tools to motivate himself and keep going while holding space for the bumps along the way.

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