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Some spells in Hogwarts Legacy are noticeably better than others and some might be a complete waste of time. A Tier List can be very helpful to players to know the spells that will improve their gameplay and beat the game. Players looking to be the very best spellcaster will want to focus on using the best spells and talents to quickly eliminate opponents and further their progression in the game.

Hogwarts Legacy Guides: Best Talent Builds

Ultimately, the spell a player decides to use is up to them, and some situations may call for very specific spells to be used. Whether it's powering through the main story line, completing every side-quest, or battling difficult opponents in the Dark Arts Arena, let's break down every spell in the game to see which ones come out on top.

Hogwarts Legacy Spell Ranking Criteria

We've unlocked and tested out every spell in the game and ranked them into Tiers from best to worst (S > A > B > C > D > F). And while all spells will have a purpose, the spells that players should have readily available come down to a few conditions:

  1. Damage
  2. Total Damage: When it comes to taking enemies out, the more damage a spell does the faster you will eliminate the target and move on.
  3. Recharge Speed: Some spells might deal a lot of damage, but if it takes forever to recharge then it might be helpful to use a spell that can be used more frequently.
  4. Utility
  5. It is advantageous for a spell to have an additional effect, such as interrupting an enemy or allowing you to take control of the playing field and get the high ground.
  6. Another important factor to consider is if a spell has bonus effects that improve combat or other aspects of gameplay (e.g., revealing hidden objects for better gear or for experience points).
  7. Fun
  8. Let's take a step back and realize that not everything in the game needs to be a serious competition. Points will be awarded to spells whose effects might not necessarily provide any advantage other than pure enjoyment.

Best Spells To Use In Hogwarts Legacy

Best Spells In Hogwarts Legacy

S Tier: These are the strongest spells in the game and will regularly be used on cooldown whenever they are available to maximize damage and progression. Grabbing talents that improve these spells is a must. They will be cast many times throughout the game and the spells that are slottable should be easily accessible on the Spell Sets.

Ancient Magic

acnient magic spell icon 6 hogwarts legacy


"When at least one segment of your Ancient Magic Meter is full, you can cast devastating Ancient Magic attacks that deal massive damage and break Shield Charms."

The whole game revolves around Ancient Magic, so of course these would be the best spells to use. Use Ancient Magic whenever it is available on the strongest enemies to take a huge chunk of their health out, you're also invulnerable while casting. Or quickly dispatch a smaller enemy with a one-hit knock-out. Getting maximum combos and grabbing talents that build the ancient meter faster will make your life so much easier as you'll be able to cast this spell much more often.

Ancient Magic Throw

ancient magic throw spell icon 5 hogwarts legacy


"Summons and then throws special environmental objects at the targeted enemy. Particularly useful for breaking through Shield Charms.."

Just as with Ancient Magic, the players throwing capability is also really strong when there are objects nearby to utilize it. Whenever in combat, be on the lookout for any prompts to throw objects at enemies, as they will break their shields and do a good amount of damage. Grabbing the Expelliarmus and Transformation Talents make for some very strong combinations.

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protego essential spell 3 hogwarts legacy


"Protects against a variety of attacks, including spell casts, weapon strikes, and more. Waiting to cast Protego until the last moment before an impact results in a Perfect Protego that damages melee attackers and reflects projectiles back, breaking enemy shields."

This ability nullifies the need for healing potions. It has 4 effective purposes: block incoming attacks, counter attacks with stupefy or when timed perfectly it deals damage and breaks shields, and finally, with the Protego Absorption talent it will also build the Ancient Magic meter. There are also 2 other talents that further improve this ability when timed Perfectly: doubling the damage output and breaking all enemy shields around you.


transformation spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Transforms objects and enemies into alternate forms, whether puzzle solutions or harmless knickknacks."

This spell takes an enemy out of combat for a long time. With the associated talent it can allow anything object or enemy to be thrown which can dish out a lot of explosive damage. It's the safe version of Avada Kedavra

Petrificus Totalus

petrificus Totalus essential spell 8 hogwarts legacy


"Powerful enough to bind most enemies permanently, but more dangerous foes will only take some damage and then quickly break free from the effect."

This is the spell that is what makes any player looking to make a Stealth Build viable. Grabbing the top talent in the Stealth tree will give Avada Kedavra a run for its money. So long as the player isn't found (picking up every talent in the stealth tree greatly helps with this) many targets can be taken out very quickly, without needing to cast and unforgivable curses.

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imperio spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. While under your control, they take reduced damage from other enemies to prolong their allegiance to you. Also curses the victim – and cursed enemies take extra damage."

Another spell that takes an enemy out of commission but also makes them attack foes, a very powerful tool to have in a Spell Set. The talent for it is very useful in a Dark Arts build to help spread curses more rapidly, thus increasing total damage output, even if not wanting to use the ultimate killing-curse.

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Strong Hogwarts Legacy Spells

A Tier: These spells are also very strong and are also going to be used very often, players should have these spells on at least one of their Spell Sets ready to counter any engagement.

Avada Kedavra

avada kedavra spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Kills enemies instantly"

This is going to be one of the most hotly debated spells, and many players may choose not to use it or skip obtaining it outright. That being said, it is a very powerful spell that will one hit kill any target. Players using a Dark Arts Talent build will be able to clear the room with one spell due to the final talent for it.

Hogwarts Legacy Guides: How To Unlock Avada Kedavra


Bombarda spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Deals heavy damage on impact, accompanied by an explosion that can destroy heavy obstacles and hit surrounding enemies."

Bombarda is one of the strongest regular damaging attacks, it has a slightly longer cooldown but when talented can deal massive damage to multiple grouped up targets and it will also separate them a significant distance. Another must-have spell equipped on a Spell Set.


diffindo spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Slashes objects and enemies from afar dealing considerable damage"

Diffindo is a really strong spell offering high damage. While its cooldown is a little longer than others, you'll want to use it whenever it is up. The talent allows it to pierce enemies but sometimes it can be hard to line them up to benefit from it; still, the extra damage from time to time is welcomed.


disillusionment spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Causes you to blend into your surroundings, making it more difficult for others to perceive you. Perfect for sneaking or approaching enemies undetected to be able to cast Petrificus Totalus"

Stealth is not a very well-developed aspect of the game as there are only 4 talents, 2 of which are repeats. However, there is something to be said for a build that takes advantage of all of them. On its own Disillusionment will allow players to simply bypass areas that might be too difficult for combat, additionally, Petrificus Totalus is a very powerful spell that, while not a one-hit-kill, can still deal with many targets. It's also a great way to get better gear!


Expeliarmus spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Disarms wands and weapons from most enemies who wield them. Also deals damage to all enemies, even if they do not carry a weapon."

Expelliarmus does deal a small amount of damage, but more importantly, it causes enemies to no longer have a weapon, putting them out of commission for a while. The talent is a must-have as the disarmed weapon can be thrown and used against them for extra damage.


Levioso spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Levitates objects and enemies. Useful for solving puzzles and surprising enemies alike."

Levitating targets makes them less of a threat, the fast cooldown on it means that the target can be put in the air almost indefinitely if you don't hit it. Grabbing the talent for this one is a must-have to make multiple enemies unable to attack you.


revelio essential spell 2 hogwarts legacy


"Highlights a variety of useful and interactive targets in the world, including hidden objects, puzzle items, loot, enemies, and more."

Casting Revelio will reveal the location of anything that is interactible in the game. Players who use this button regularly will find a lot of important things that may otherwise be missed, giving them an advantage in leveling up faster and getting better loot.


Stupefy spell icon 4 hogwarts legacy


"Stuns enemies, making them easy targets for follow-up spells. It deals no direct damage but stunned enemies take extra damage, indicated by gold numbers. It also breaks enemy Shields (except on Hard difficulty). When successfully deflecting an incoming attack with Protego, keep it held to cast a Stupefy counter-attack at whichever enemy you choose to target."

If you find trying to time the Perfect Protego difficult, then just hold it down and counter with ease. While the stun doesn't last long, the shield breaking alone is very valuable. The tooltip says it doesn't do any damage, but there is a talent to fix that. There's also a talent that players who dabble in the Dark Arts will enjoy too: spreading curses.

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Good Spells To Use In Hogwarts Legacy

B Tier: Depending on your playstyle and whether you choose to use the Unforgivable curses or not, all of these spells are still good to have equipped to be ready for any scenario. These spells are generally only used in specific situations or when some of your other spells are still recharging.


confringo spell icon hogwarts legacy


"A long-range bolt that deals damage on impact. Enemies hit with fire-based attacks will continue to take damage for a few seconds, during which time collisions will result in incendiary bursts."

Confringo is a solid damage-type ranged ability learned fairly early on and deals a moderate amount of damage to a single target and allows for increased follow-up damage. While not the strongest damage-type spell, it's good at taking out enemy shields from a distance for follow-up skills. This spell will likely be used very often so picking up the associated talent is a good idea.


crucio spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Causes most enemies to writhe in pain as they take damage over time. Also curses the victim – and cursed enemies take extra damage"

This spell isn't particularly strong on its own but is good for spreading curses with a Dark Arts Build. With the talent it can spread to multiple targets, meaning that once Avada Kedavra is unlocked and talented killing multiple targets quickly will be very easy.

Hogwarts Legacy Guides: How To Unlock Crucio


Glacius spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Freezes enemies, increasing the damage they take from follow-up attacks."

This spell is rather useful in many scenarios to slow combat down and increase damage output. However, it only affects one target, limiting its uses. With the talent it provides an explosion that deals damage to nearby enemies. Levioso is the superior Control move as it has a shorter cooldown and the talent to make it hit multiple targets is accessible early on.


Accio spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Summons a variety of objects and enemies to close range. Certain magical and heavy objects require sustained effort to pull close. When a summoned object reaches you, you will automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa to continue levitating and controlling it without the need for additional button inputs."

Accio is a great spell to interrupt an enemy that is casting or to break their shield. It has a quick recharge rate and is best use is with Incendio as a follow-up, as it is a strong short-range fire blast great for close-range combat. The talent allows multiple targets to be drawn in which can be deadly if also paired with the Incendio talent. The bonus effect also frees up a slot from not needing Wingardium Leviosa equipped.


incendio spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Its range is short and requires you to be close to the target. This spell deals significant damage and lights certain objects on fire. Enemies hit with fire-based attacks will continue to take damage for a few seconds, during which time collisions will result in incendiary bursts."

Because of its short range, it can be hard to make effective use of this spell. Most of the time it's best to keep enemies far away, giving you enough space and time to react. However, don't take it completely off your spell set just yet, as using it right after Accio is a great combo. Taking both of these spells' respective talents makes for an impressively strong close-range burst combo.


Depulso spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Repels many types of objects and enemies with considerable force. Although it deals no direct damage to foes, enemies and objects alike can be launched into each other the destructive results. Also useful for pushing and spinning objects for a variety of purposes."

This spell is great for giving yourself some space when enemies are nearby. It's also good for knocking enemies off of cliffs. The talent makes it hit multiple enemies but has limited uses as typically you want to keep enemies away in the first place. Even when utilizing close-ranged spells, you want the enemies grouped up to hit multiple targets.

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Average Spells

C Tier: There may only be a few spell slots left if you have the above spells already equipped. While these spells still have their situational uses, one might consider having a duplicate of one of the above spells instead depending on your talents and shield-breaking needs.

Basic Cast

basic cast spell iocn 1 hogwarts legacy


"Deals minor damage to enemies and objects."

The Basic Cast damage is low but is good for continuing combos to generate orbs for the ancient magic meter. Grabbing the talent that causes casts to recharge faster is essential, and makes it very much so worth casting between stronger spells. It also allows for breaking small objects and gathering things.


flipendo spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Flips objects and enemies upwards and backwards. With its short cooldown, it is excellent for setting up and extending juggles. Its ability to flip objects instantly is useful for solving puzzles and exploiting certain enemies’ weaknesses."

The short cooldown is the only thing running for this spell. It doesn't deal any damage, however, with the associated talent it might become very useful in Dark Arts Builds to make spreading curses very quick.

Arresto Momentum

Arresto Momentum spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Slows both objects and enemies, giving you extra time to plan your next move"

Unfortunately, Arresto Momentum doesn't really offer a significant advantage over other Control type spells. While it can allow the player a bit more time to think, it doesn't do any damage. Arresto Momentum would be a good choice for a Dark Arts talent build as the talent applies curses.


Descendo spell icon hogwarts legacy-1


"Deals no direct damage, but objects and enemies that are slammed to the ground will suffer considerable impact damage. Airborne enemies will take even greater damage upon hitting the ground."

This spell has limited uses as many targets won't be too high in the air to benefit from the damage it deals. The talent for it also doesn't provide much benefit as grouping up enemies AND having them in the air is hard to achieve.

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Lackluster Spells In Hogwarts Legacy

D Tier: This category is meant for spells that are generally only for progressing the story further or for exploration. They don't have many purposes in combat, and likely won't be taking up slots in the Spell Sets.


Lumos spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Allows you to see in the dark areas or solve puzzles that require extra light."

The Wand-Lighting Charm is only helpful in lighting up dark areas and finding collectibles such as field guides and chests. It is not a strong combat spell; however, there are vines that are vulnerable to light, but you can also just cast imperio for that too.


alohomora essential spell 7 hogwarts legacy


"Grants access to a variety of locked rooms and containers throughout the world, but requires magical prowess to perform successfully"

Alohomora is used to unlock doors with a mini-game. While it's great for discovering hidden items such as Field Guide Pages or Demiguise Statues, it doesn't offer anything substantial to the game. Plus the mini-game is not exactly a riveting experience.

Hogwarts Legacy Guides: How To Unlock Alohomora


ecanesco 6 spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Vanishes items and returns moonstones when cast within the Room of Requirement.."

Evanesco is saved from being F-Tier due to being able to refund any items placed by default in the Room of Requirement. Providing a significant boost to the amount of Moonstone one can obtain early on.

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Worst Spells To Use In Hogwarts Legacy

F Tier: The majority of these spells are largely non-combat or used in the Room of Requirement for decorating or getting materials. While these spells wouldn't be considered a waste of time, in combat it would be better not to have these spells take up any slots in the Spell Sets. Alternatively, this category may also be considered the "F is for Fun" Tier or if Animal Husbandry and Decoration are what matters most to you.

Wingardium Leviosa

Reparo spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Allows you to quickly return certain damage objects to their former states."

Unfortunately, Hermione's infamous spell isn't worth placing on a Spell Slot. Once it's unlocked, Accio will perform the same function if held long enough.


Reparo spell icon hogwarts legacy


"Allows you to quickly return certain damage objects to their former states."

The Mending Charm doesn't have any non-combat capabilities and really only serves to progress some quests. Only put it on your spell slot if needed at the moment.

Everything Else

The other Transfiguration spells (Conjuring and Altering) and the Beast Husbandry spells (Petting Brush, Feed, Nab-Sack) are hard to vouch for.

The Potions and Plants that can be used in combat require a lot of preparation to keep those items in stock and remember to use them as well. If that type of combat is fun for you, then go for it, there are even a bunch of talents to make them even stronger. With the right talents, one might be inclined to sit back and watch their plants do all the work for them.

The beasts are fun to maintain and they even allow for improving gear, but that's entirely an optional venture.

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Hogwarts Legacy Guides: Best Talent To Choose First

Editor’s Note: Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been accused of transphobia by those in the LGBTQ+ community. Although not directly involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, Rowling does stand to earn royalties from the game. We would like to reiterate our support for trans rights and that trans identities are valid. Support services are listed below for trans people impacted by discussions of transphobia.

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