As 20th Century Fox’s promotional campaign for the upcoming Deadpool movie has ramped up, many fans have pointed out the sheer brilliance of said campaign and how it alone deserves an award of some sort. Unfortunately, there aren’t any awards for such efforts, but that doesn’t change the fact that Deadpool keeps showing itself off in the most original and entertaining of ways.

Now less than a month to go before the Ryan Reynolds fronted chaos that is Deadpool kicks off in theaters, it’s apparent that Fox doesn’t want to risk anyone forgetting about how much fun this whole thing is likely going to be. The TV spots keep coming, as does the news – and sometimes Deadpool even gets a boost of promotion from outside sources, like the recent case of a petition being started to try and get Fox to create a PG-13 cut of the film for kids.

Because Deadpool hits theatres so close to Valentines Day, it seems like one of the last spots for a romantic night out. But true to Wade Wilson’s ever-loveable persona, Valentine’s Day appears to be no obstacle at all, as this most recent batch of posters (see below) are crafted with the usual Deadpool sexual undertones – perfect for that special date with someone you love. Oh Deadpool, you old softy, you.

Deadpool (2016) movie poster

Deadpool (2016) movie poster

Deadpool (2016) movie poster

Aside from the posters featuring Deadpool himself, there’s also a new billboard carefully crafted with emojis, which spells out Deadpool - using a skull, some excrement and an L. This ongoing campaign is certainly working, as further evidenced by actor/comedian Patton Oswalt’s acknowledgement of the new billboard via Twitter. Ryan Reynolds himself has also taken to social media to remind fans of the film’s rapidly approaching arrival and reference the aforementioned billboard all in one tweet.

This idiotic/brilliant billboard is why I'm all in on the DEADPOOL movie. I'm an easy lay.— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 13, 2016

Just 29 days til, "Skull Poop L"!— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 14, 2016

Whether or not the promotional campaign will get taken to yet another level in the coming weeks is anyone’s guess. It would of course, be delightful to see more of Deadpool’s wit on display in the lead up to February 12th, but should what we’re now seeing be the final push, it’s still a lot of fun. Either way, we all get a Deadpool movie in a matter of weeks and that should be more than enough for any fan – anything else in terms of posters, TV spots or billboards is just more icing on the cake.

The sole risk with this continuous promotional push is the possibility that fans' expectations may be getting raised too high – so high that the film won’t possibly be able to deliver. If this turns out to be the case, it would be a genuine disappointment – leading fans and critics to say that the best part of the film were the adverts leading up to its release. Fortunately, enough has been shown of Deadpool and its tone that those who are eagerly anticipating it most likely already know exactly what they’re in for. The average viewer might be a different story, but everything seems to be in place right now for fans to come away happy.

NEXT: Deadpool Trailer Breakdown

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12, 2016, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and some as-yet unspecified X–Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: 20th Century Fox